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U.G.A.I. Unione Giovani Avvocati Italiani
Young Italian Lawyers Union
More than ten years ago, from 26th to 28th June 1997, a number of lawyers’ committees, formed within the local bar associations, gathered in Verona to contrast the “Mirone Reform”, a draft bill that would have rendered the access to the legal profession much more difficult for the Italian young. In order to make their voices heard, they decided to join forces and found A.N.P.A. , the original association of U.G.A.I. – The Young Italian Lawyers' Union.
Today, like then, U.G.A.I. is determined to support the young Italian lawyers’ cause through an organized and united structure; U.G.A.I.’s membership is open to young professionals admitted to the bar for no longer than eight years.
Among Italian lawyers associations, the Young Italian Lawyers Union has always played a prominent role in the debate on the legal profession and its members have steadily increased over the years. U.G.A.I.’s political weight is also witnessed by the fact that its views are often reported by the national media.
U.G.A.I. can count on its foreign representatives and has forged friendship with like-minded foreign associations, the aim being not only to share experiences but possibly to create a federal structure representing young European lawyers.
The Young Italian Lawyers Union campaigns to get equal opportunities for women and men in the field of law. Our recent report shows that in Europe only the Italian bar council has no woman in its 26 members of the board.
The U.G.A.I. is not apolitical because it is aware of the important role political relationships play in defending the expectations of young lawyers by pursuing the liberalisation and the deregulation of the legal profession.
Even though U.G.A.I. is an organization that primarily focuses on young Italian lawyers, its strategic aim is to contribute to the long awaited reform of Italian justice, also thanks to the support of the U.G.A.I.’s legal studies centre.
We invite you to join and support U.G.A.I. and thus contribute the success of our initiatives in favour of young lawyers in Italy and abroad.
Yours sincerely,
Gaetano Romano

Traduzione a cura dell'avv. Gennaro D'Andria

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 [  2008] :: Direttore Editoriale Avv. Gaetano Romano ::