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L' A.N.P.A. sull'importante magazine britannico "The Trainee";The A.N.P.A. greets and thanks the TSG



Il Presidente Nazionale è stato intervistato da Tamsin Tomlinson, "Publicity Officer" per la T.S.G. (Trainee Solicitors' Group), l' importante associazione di giovani legali della G.B. omologa all'A.N.P.A., per il magazine quadrimestrale "The Trainee" distribuito in circa 35 mila copie in Inghilterra e Galles presso le università e gli studi legali britannici. L'intervista dovrebbe uscire sul numero estivo ed anche i numeri precedenti sono comunque scaricabili con acrobat dal loro sito.

La TSG è l'importante sodalizio associativo dei praticanti e dei neoavvocati britannici - parte formalmente integrante della Law Society (il loro "Consiglio Nazionale Forense") - che rappresenta un esempio di organizzazione per l'A.N.P.A. e per tutte le associazioni di giovani legali europei. Maggiori informazioni su TSG e su "The Trainee" sul sito ufficiale

I complimenti ed i ringraziamenti dell'Associazione Nazionale Praticanti e Avvocati per i nostri Colleghi Britannici, sperando che continui la "friendship" tra le nostre due associazioni e le altre omologhe europee.

Qui di seguito l'anticipazione relativa all'intervista resa dal nostro Presidente Nazionale:

What qualifications do you need to get to be a lawyer in Italy?

It is necessary for an Italian citizen to obtain a degree in Law and it is the same for any European colleague who wishes to qualify in our country. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently held the landmark decision “Morgenbesser” allowing a French Colleague just graduated to apply for the enrolment on the “Registro Speciale dei Praticanti Avvocati” of the Genova Bar Council.

What is the training procedure to become a lawyer in Italy?

There is no difference between solicitors and barristers in Italy because you are qualified as “Avvocato”. After having graduated in Law, you have to start a two years internship in a legal office and every half-year you have to take part at least in twenty cases. At the end of the first year, the “Praticante avvocato abilitato” is able to defend people in front of the lowest courts for maximum six years. When you have completed the internship and obtained the certificate of aptitude (Certificato di compiuta pratica), you have to take a very difficult public examination in the district where your office is located. Due to the difficulties in passing the Bar exams, more and more Italian trainees have to go to Spain which is the sole country in the E.U. where there is no need to take a bar exam to become a lawyer. Every European law graduate is able to go to Spain to get there the "Homologacion" of his own law degree, take the relatively easy “Prova de conjunto”, and so qualify as “Abogado". Immediately after that, they can come back to their own country and practice as attorneys according to the Directive on freedom of establishment and movement in the European Union.

In England we have to do a 2 year training contract before becoming a
qualified solicitor, is there an equivalent in Italy?

Yes, I think that your “Training Contract” is something very similar to our “Pratica forense” but here it is not so formal as in Great Britain. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of firms which give the “minimum salary to the trainees. Now the Ministry of Education is going to reform the Italian training system because they want to oblige the trainees to attend a course in a “Local Law School” (Scuola di specializzazione) as well as your “Vocational Stage of Training”. However, there is no such a term as your “Legal Practical Course”(LPC)” or “Professional Skills Course (PSC)” here.

What is ANPA?

ANPA is the “Associazione Nazionale Praticanti e Avvocati” (National Association of Practicians and Solicitors) and was founded nearly ten years ago and its goal to fight against the “Mirone Reform”, a draft Bill which made the access to the legal profession much more difficult for the trainees. During the 5th National Congress, hold in Parma on 20th and 21th February 2004, delegates of the local groups unanimously decided to open the membership to the lawyers that have been qualified for up to six years. Even though ANPA is an organization that particularly deals with the problems of the young Italian laywers, it has a complete and detailed policy about justice worked out and updated by the ANPA’s Study Centre. The A.N.P.A. is recognized by the “Consiglio Nazionale Forense” (the National Bar Council), but we maintain absolute financial and administrative autonomy.

What issues are ANPA involved in promoting and lobbying?

A.N.P.A. policy is to keep in with institutional legal, governmental and legislative bodies, promoting and protecting interests and expectations of about 80.000 Italian trainees and very young lawyers in the best way.Now A.N.P.A.’s goal is to edit a Praticante Avvocato Handbook in association with one of the best european juridical publisher with whom we keep in touch.

Does ANPA organise social events for trainee/young lawyers?

The trainees and young lawyers of A.N.P.A. conduct committee meetings and Conventions on many juridical and forensic subjects. At the same time we organise balls and drinking evenings.

What are the main problems facing young lawyers in Italy?

According to a recent article on the “Sole 24 Ore”, one of the most important newspapers in Italy, there are 151.470 lawyers in Italy, so because of this increasing number of lawyers in my opinion it is really difficult for a newly qualified lawyer to become a part of the national professional “market”. The “Associazione Nazionale Praticanti e Avvocati” campaigns to support Italian young Colleagues from the time they start legal training until they manage to become fully qualified.

Is English used extensively by young lawyers in Italy?

Unfortunately just recently the faculty of Law has understood the great importance of the English language. For that reason very few Italian lawyers have a good knowledge in foreign languages which can be a problem for people who have to deal with other European colleagues.

Are most Italian Law Firms small or large?

Ten years ago it was really difficult to find in Italy a law office in which there was more than one lawyer. Just recently many large and international firms with “partners” and “associates” have grown up in the biggest Italian cities. The thing is that the “small firm” is a part of the Italian professional tradition and lawyers are not so well-disposed to consider themselves as entrepreneurs. Anyway, Italian Laws allow every Legal Office to become a sort of “company”, as well as in other European countries.

Do Italian lawyers specialise in one area of law?

For the same reasons that I have just mentioned, very few lawyers specialise in sole area of law. If you wish to specialise in one area of law, you have to work in a large Firm.

What is the best thing about being a lawyer in Italy?

I think there are not so many differences in being a lawyer in Italy, in GB or in Spain. Maybe here, people still consider us people that earn a lot, that are good orators and so on. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and I am proud of my profession.

About you - How long have you been a lawyer? Where do you live? How old
are you?

In September 2002 I was enrolled on the Law List of Messina Bar Council. Messina is an university town in the South-East of Italy that keeps up a decennial tradition in very good lawyers.I am 32 years old and I am really fond of the British Law System as the title of my thesis in the Specialization Course I have attended in the very known University of Tor Vergata in Rome was “General Principles regarding the right of evidence in the English Criminal Procedure”

Why are you involved in ANPA?

When I obtained the degree in law I wouldn’t have ever thought to become the President of the A.N.P.A. At the beginning I represented the local Group, afterwards the District Committee and the Vice-Presidency. When I got the qualification as Lawyer I was elected as Chairman and I have to thank my Colleagues because they give me the possibility to support the today and tomorrow’s young Lawyers.

Do you think it is important for lawyers from across Europe to have
links? Why?

I am absolutely sure of that. We are proud to keep in touch with your important association that is an exemplary organization for A.N.P.A. and other European Groups of young Colleagues. The International Relations Officer for the A.N.P.A. Maria Rosa Salzano is keeping closer links with the other Groups all over the world. We are at your disposal for everything you need here in Italy. Our British Colleagues can contact us the mail addresses on and our Webisite Officer Davide Traina. Please let me thank you and the TSG for the possibility to be featured in an article in your important magazine. We look forward to having you as our special guests at our National Convention on April in Benevento.

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